
which showed antibacterial movement reliance ashore temperature

Are considered lethal crocodiles will now play the role of savior. The United States to a new study shows that alligator blood proteins may be capable to fight with the reptiles proteins in the blood contains a powerful antibiotic that can be used against bacterial infections, such as usually known as said that about one third of the world's deaths reasoned by bacterial infection. of existing antibiotics, the bacteria growing to produce antibodies, and the invention of new antibiotics, tends to slow the pace, forcing scientists eager to ascertain a new treatment for the infection. Crocodile research report related to the blood of the mark. Michael Dr. Qian Te said: life-saving medicine. City crocodile farm invested); human plasma (Blood Center, Guangzhou, authorize number: Guangdong health Blood [2004] No. 01) usage using plate colony count usage, plasma and broth crocodile effect observed behind 1h, the different Percentage of survival of the concentration of bacteria to decide the antimicrobial range of crocodile plasma; decisive by paper samples of various strains of the inhibition zone diameter of the antibacterial spectrum of alligator serum. The results and conclusions of a crocodile plasma Streptococcus, Group C Streptococcus , re-diphtheria bacilli, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Escherichia coli M421C1 ST, O111B4, E240-3 LT, cards and other 8 he cocci strains showed a certain inhibitory effect. This may be among crocodile bite wound infections is not easy reasons, thus, crocodiles have a plasma and other tissues and apparatuses may be developed as a natural antibiotic.
crocodiles are reptiles, crocodilians. There are 3 families, 8 genera, 25 species in the world is only 3 families and 21 category distributed in moderate and tropical regions. crocodile was alike bite alternatively injury due to other reasons, few wound infections can be quickly healed. This phenomenon influenced us to carry out the pertinent anti-bacterial effect of crocodile. The new animal the crocodile's immune system thorough study additionally, but there are a number of reports in the American alligator Mississippi, there are cells in the immune system components. Some studies show that there are alike in the crocodile similar to T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes; when the crocodile was injured, and fibrin white blood cells will be transferred to the wound. In addition, there are other keen infection on the rejoinder of crocodiles. Sharbanay other seaman crocodiles reported antibacterial activity in serum. Merchant of the Americas, such as the Mississippi alligator serum antibacterial activity. When the serum after pretreatment with protease, The antibacterial activity of the serum is entirely inhibited, indicating a protein ecology of antimicrobial substances. crocodile serum incubated 30min by 56 ℃, once and for all of its antibacterial activity are eliminated, which showed antibacterial activity dependence on temperature, the temperature is lower than 15 ℃, its activity persisted to ebb. show that the antimicrobial activity of alligator serum may be caused by activation of the supplement system caused the serum. Merchant, etc. Following this study shows that there are anti-amoeba crocodile serum and anti-viral activity. The study showed that Mississippi alligator serum on human immunodeficiency virus type Ⅰ (HIV-1),beijing escort, West Nile (encephalitis) virus (WNV), and herpes simplex virus type Ⅰ (HSV-1) with antiviral activity. crocodile serum by 56 ℃ 30min after treatment its anti-HIV-1 activity decreased, while the anti-WNV and HSV-1 activity changed little, suggesting that its anti-HIV-1 activity may be by the crocodile played a role of serum complement, and anti-WNV activity and machinery of HSV-1 is different. continued alligator serum supplement activity of research and found that alligator serum complement response in the early stage requires divalent metal ions contained, and on Ca2 + and Mg2 + is not specific. classic complement waterfall pathway inactivation proxy (passivation) such as ammonium hydroxide and methylamine did not influence the subsistence of crocodile serum hemolytic activity SRBCs; and EDTA and salicylaldehyde oxime crocodile serum can taboo the hemolytic effect of SR-BCs. show that the alternative track in the alligator serum on the hemolytic SRBCs activity played a role. alligator red blood cells were secluded from the complete hemoglobin, free hemoglobin a chain and b chain of hemoglobin alligator clips or plasma results suggest that the antibacterial spectrum antibacterial spectrum than the human plasma to be broad. human plasma on Gram-positive bacteria is relatively futile, most likely because of human plasma to suppress bacterial protein active ingredient. In the resolve of bacterial capacity, crocodile plasma on the card he aureus, Shigella and E. coli O111B4 role not as Strong human plasma. cryopreserved longer crocodile more weak antibacterial activity in plasma, indicating that the active ingredients in the frozen storeroom process will gradually inactivated. Sharbanay, Merchant and other studies and this study says Ming Niluo alligator, Mississippi alligator and crocodile serum is barren. initially speculate Crocodylia serum (or plasma) in the presence antibacterial substances. human complement by binding to the outer layer and interior membrane of a point while a twice havoc of E. coli membrane, making the cytoplasm of small particles and proteins out of the extracellular to kill E. coli. and in the circumstance of a complete absence of lysozyme, complement, can mar the inner membrane. the existence of reptiles of serum complement components, The alligator serum with heat-labile antimicrobial combination, the temperature reliance of the protease-sensitive and quick in vitro antibacterial activity of the specifics of area, suggesting that crocodiles serum (plasma) in the antibacterial activity is not caused by antimicrobial peptides (for peptide norm The antibacterial activity is generally considered to have thermal permanence),beijing escort, but most possible as intervened by complement proteins, and the prevalent anti-bacterial components in the crocodile. specify the crocodile bite wounds do not accessible contract between the reasons for the development of natural antibacterial provide a foundation for drugs.
adding of orthodox anti-cancer medical research medicinal amount of the crocodile. Chinese Collection Li's ; cold and heat in the women's lower stomach, vaginal afflict phase lead, collapsed in five colors and sores in blood dead beef muscle hh: attending a small suction ambition, namely not ample site; Do no log moisture evil, all within the Zhengjia insanity, evil blisters. fat : heeding Mount winds and malignant sore. hh The medical amount of the tumor not heresy, long historical records because the data. for of such resource-poor China, in appending apt technical causes, was disturbed at the research and development of its medicinal value. crocodiles and dinosaurs, pterosaurs with out a ancestors, is two hundred million years ago, Jurassic and Cretaceous age groups of survivors of the once-thriving, it is cried a alive fossil. passageway of time, swamps, and the long-extinct beasts crocodile contemporaries, merely their proliferation continues to this day millions of years, and can Today, pretended propagating, which shows a lusty vitality and resist the aggression of manifold diseases, the competence to adapt to the environment. modern remedial inquiry, a crocodile with a massive digit of bone collagen,guangzhou massage, protein, calcium, phosphorus and other factors, its compatibility with the extraction of orthodox Chinese medication science substance, with a strong activity its character in the killing of malignancy cells. crocodile bile containing extra than 20 kinds of bile sour, bile liquor and other substances. it contains ursodeoxycholic sour, chenodeoxycholic acid, is in appending to animals other than bear gall bile do not have the special elements. crocodile bile rational compatibility with the traditional Chinese medicine, work together, can subserve macrophages, lymphocytes, monocytes, the role of compartment lysis. at the same time with the improvement of bile secretion, boost bile cholesterol dissolving capacity reduce the effect of gallstone formation. crocodile pork contains a lot of alphabetical material, attach with traditional Chinese medicine used for treatment of respiratory tract illness has a clear role. both the play of interferon elicited, promoting antibody creation,guangzhou escort, but too enhance the phagocytic reticuloendothelial system feature, increase pearly blood cells, amend immunity, blocking cancer aggression and replication of the virus, while it is handling of bronchitis, asthma share. crocodile as alive fossils, but too God has given us a expensive things. we entire know, the global anniversary 450 million alter colors of life and undergoing the cancer of the merciless violence, an average of one every 6 seconds, have been mercilessly dragged into the netherworld by compel, this number can not ghastly, can not but make folk absence to amplify more and better early The crocodilians cancer narcotic to save a great many patients veering. In addition other appearances of the spirited substance on the crocodile and its pharmacological effects, health effects of progress. crocodile body has a access to optimize the nucleic acid of the substance namely fraught the nucleic acid vitality, ailment resistance reinforced and stimulated in vivo catalase and SOD, efficacious way to clear body consume, accordingly delaying the aging life, so life is more than turtle, an average of up to 150 years antique. crocodile hemoglobin among the muscle has a quite strange shackle of amino acids architecture, so namely the value of crocodile hemoglobin oxygen carrying more than 100 times more than other animals, so however the crocodile have lungs, but the ability to inhalation in the water than the whales, dolphins, many more sophisticated. Therefore, to crocodile ploughing, for the learn of biological development, forgery of jeopardized animals to inflate the number of its population and to protect the ecological surroundings, physical movement and browse its distinctive role in person medicine, are of great significance.
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