
occasioning livestock spit alternatively suck blood from their larynx area

the additional as life. those smart and delight as humanity back the scenes, such for restaurants, leather mart, free-for-all, barbecue canteen, ring and all medical research, etc., is present in the same space with our perdition on earth. We are not instantly involved in the annihilating, but who can say he did not indirectly involved in the massacre?
any animal, like humans, strong, clever, hard-working, migration and evolution, they grow and accustom to nature, just like us. They are also Earth's citizens, just like us. They are looking for their own well-being and not worry, just like us. They show all kinds of feelings, struggling and dying and our fear of dying is no different.
In short it, they, like us, are living.
I wish more people can draw a tiny morsel of time to download and see the spread of this documentary, so all human beings realize that the truth, control desire, awe for life, adore for life and decrease waste.
thank all the staff film!
2005 Boston International Film Festival Independent Film Award for best content, performers, 2005 Art Award for Best Documentary Film Festival.
The following is the text of the whole contents of the documentary:
you see these scenarios, and not isolated incidents. These are human beings for the use of animals developed industrial standards, keeping up these animals for human as a pet, food, clothing, entertainment and research. film Not Another Teen Movie, inferiors need their parents can only watch .
the fact to be accepted in 3 stages: 1. laugh 2. strongly opposed to 3. acknowledged
global citizen: the term refers to always the inhabitants of the globe.
because we are living in the same planet on all living beings are inhabitants of the Earth. As citizens of the Earth, there is no gender discrimination among, racial discrimination and species discrimination. It contains each and every life on Earth, warm-blooded or cold-blooded animals, mammals, invertebrates or invertebrates, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and humans. Therefore, the human is not the only species on this planet, hundreds of millions of other organisms, like humans, co-evolution, living together on this planet on. However, the man has delusions preferential Earth, things are often treated the same treatment as other types of people on the earth or life, this is the so-called species discrimination. Spanish bullfighting celebration and racial discrimination, gender discrimination, as species discrimination is a prejudice or because of private unfair taken the attitude, to the benefit of their own marathon, bullying other breed. any kind of life and suffering, we have a moral liability, to think of the pain. regardless of the nature of life how the conviction of parity requires: a life tortured, it means that all life has to bear the same pain. racists will be for their own team interests, and undermine the principle of equivalence. when their own interests and the interests of other races clash, gender discrimination is the gender of the people for their own interests and undermine the principle of equivalence, empathy, species advocates the interests of their own species, other species on the wider interests, the case of such discrimination, but has the same content in different forms. Although this human kin, we recognize common respect is a moral responsibility (each person is both an independent ) When the lusty are vulnerable to an inanimate thing as a treat, they undermine the common respect of this man's moral responsibility to innocent sufferers of rape rapists, pedophiles, sexual abuse of kid, main to the slavery In all of these events, has the right to deprive those who control and weaker, and perhaps the same way humans remedy other animals, or other inhabitants of Earth, no doubt, not between people and animals in all appearances Like the representation, although, there is life personality, just wearing different faces only, even whereas these animals do not like so many human desires, even if these animals as we humans can not understand anything; However, we and they as have some of the same needs, can sense some of the same things, are eager to get food, water, shelter and friendship at all want to have freedom of action, and to dodge the pain, that appetite a non-human animals and humans have in general, like humans, on the understanding, the many non-human animals can also understand they are born and bred in the world, otherwise, they will not survive. So, although many differences ,if humans are going apt muzzle themselves, there are still a lot in common with humans, these animals have an amazing sense of ability, as we human beings, they are not just there only, they are conscious of their existence, as we do, they have their own distinctive life awareness to the fundamental, the other life like humans limb feet, but humans can walk straight edge, the pig, cattle, chicken or turkey only bowed to the ground and the line, what hope these animals to humans? How do we within the environment of the ethical treatment of them? To answer these questions, we must first recognize our solidarity with the relationship between animals. The film shows animals from the five appearances of how the service of mankind, which is at least we should not forget.
Nobel Prize victor Singh (Isaac Bashevis Singer), in his best-selling novel , his heart has always been to think: the human life of other atrocities that the people and the Nazis is no different from other species in the face of human arrogance, and entirely demonstrated to do everything to racism, they believe violence is to have a the truth, let us contrast the killing was intentional and a group of life-life in another group of stocks finger in suffering and oppress. there are some who demand that animal suffering can not be with the Jews or the suffering of slaves by likeness, in fact, They are the same, for these victims of the Holocaust in terms of their disaster and suffering still continues. Hengli Bei Secretary Dayton (Henry Beston) in his go need different, more advisable, more weird, like the concept from nature, rely on survival capabilities in a complex with the civilized people via his knowledge, the site color eyes learning animals, only one was seen exaggerated feathers and a distortion of the picture. If we think that the human animal as complete, or because they can not contrast with the human form of handsome, then we are greatly mistaken. we can not fathom the human animal in a scale than we human society is more archaic and complete world, their evolution of compact, perfect, our human nature has been lost or never had the super feeling, rely on a human ear can not capture our sound and survival. which, while not my family class but not accompanied to us. they belong to variant country, but together with human beings trapped in the net of life and time together experiencing the reputation and suffering of the earth.
Part I: For most of us pet
people, our relationship with animals is to have one or two pets. So in the end pets comesintoseffect? Of course, animals serve human beings one of the most apparent way is to human companionship.

pet breeding animals propagated mongrel means, though the generation of source animals is not all devoted to do this, in fact, in the industry, anyone animal can become a breeding animal.
pets pet shops and pet stores
farm animals are in a cloud of breeding farms into the purchase from a pet, even now it does not know, pet breeding grounds is a low-cost line of business management, specialized breed puppy sold to pet stores, or other consumers. They often is a backyard business model, the animals are polluted and crowded living environment, there is no veterinary care, no social intervention, these dogs also often been demonstrated auction, onward with their growth is a catena of issues, including physical and mental. roaming the avenues, homeless pets, these homeless pets, good luck, will be well-intentioned people asylum, or bring to the regional pet shelters and the like, until a current one is compliant to shelter their families. It is estimated that each year two thousand five million animals to the ranks of the homeless, and that 27% of pure blood dog in which the column, which twenty-five million homeless pets, there are millions of pets in the avenues because of ailment, or died of famine, wrong climate or die, or die from violence and other risk life on the avenues. There are many other animals living on the streets, some of them are abandoned by the owner, and the remaining 16 million died in the animal shelter, because the latter there is no chamber to accommodate them, coerced them to erasure. The most tragic fact is: 50% of the animals by their owners to shelters, many people said they never visited the animal shelter, because they do not like where the oppressive air, but the animals are forced to crowd in these tragic area, it is because people refuse to castrate their pets, some pet owners feel, particularly some men, pet owners, fjust aboutme reason think that their pet neutered, as if they castrated themselves, or they hope their babies can experience in one day The so-called used in the kind and painless death, usually in the implementation of the dog's thigh up, sometimes in the cat's tolerate injection. For animals this is a rapid and painless death is even now the most humane method. But euthanasia price is relatively high, as build up pet shelter euthanasia was implemented on Euthasoi the growing demand for pills, some shelters because of tight budgets forced to replace the euthanasia gas chambers used.
gas chambers < br> in the gas rooms, pet crowded full, without any space, sometimes muggy inside pet takes twenty minutes to die, this is ever since the most cruel and most bitter way to die. Then, in terms of procedure This is the cheapest way. We are partners of animals as human beings, but we can reply some tough answers, we as a human associate animals, while still conference the absences of their pets? We have these pets is for their benefit, or to use, melodrama them? answers to these questions may prevaricate in the pet landlords as a human viewpoint, and they give animals the right partners, the ability of the living surroundings. (cyanide agencies) is that the most people specialists, the movie shows humans are not cruel and ruthless special, but most people actively involved in, acquiesced and agreed to the taxes they pay for those activities. where the vital interests of other species may not without sacrificing the purpose of mankind is into the most meaningless interests. (Turkey's large number of stray pets), animal's future can only hope that human culture: humans educated to penetrate the world beyond their own, we must learn to nail with, we must study to read from their eyes, to perceive, as a bio-dynamic, as their life is valuable.
Part II: Food
You scamper away, but I'll get you such memorabilia, there are six billion a year the animals were slaughtered, and this is the case in the United States. These are known as the decide when and where these animals died in what style, the interests of the animals themselves to make sure their own fate in terms of not have any efficacy, killing an animal itself is a very troublesome entity. Some say that whether we have to slaughtering animals for meat by hand, then we may all become vegetarians. television is also very infrequent to see a documentary almost the slaughter action, people may absence to purchase meat from dead animals without pain, but they do not truly absence to know the truth: The reason why some people killed, because people want to eat, purchase, these purchasers in the massacre and the character of meat production, is impossible to conceal. So what we dish the meat came from there ?
order to meet the meat-eater's appetite, the animals have to suffer all the pain the following:
cattle must be branded., which mark hit in the face.
cutting angle
Next is the angle chopped off,toronto asian escort, but not always on the anesthetic, and some even directly to the large pair of pliers to loosen the horn.

transit transport, cattle closely crowded in the truck, and in fact stacked attach, hot or cold, labor, despair and poor sanitary conditions, so that part of the livestock to the slaughterhouse dead on the road.

milking cows have always been knotted to the chamber, can not do any discipline. In order to improve the milk rate, pesticides and antibiotics is routine. In the end, just like this cow, they are act all until the crash. Normally, cows can live to twenty years, But the cows routinely die among four years, after death, their mutton is used in rapid food meat. In this slaughterhouse, to the edge along the stigma and are brought into an abattoir of cattle.
shot gun
nail design idea is to reduce the animal's knowledge, in order to soften the suffering of animals, which fired from the ventilation or the hole to the gun, firing a steel bolt, just hit the animal's head.
in Marseille all the factory in the state tournament, antagonism using a kind of killing methods, cattle or be hung up, slit its throat, like those of meat, their blood will be used, although the animals have been steel lock hit his brain, people muse that this method can make the animal senseless, consist in ... you see it, animals are still conscious, this phenomenon is not unusual, and occasionally they even drained the blood, but still alive, and backward creation lines were slaughtered when still alive.
impact tube
Jewish Holocaust, which is the largest Jewish meat production plant, Glatt, Jewish language called the maximum standards of advantage upside down by the horrified animal, but also a violation of Jewish slaughter, carcasses being sharp knife cut, the process upside down, causing cattle spit or suck blood from their throat area, tear the trachea or pipes, is another major violation of the rules. in accordance with the Jewish slaughter of animals, the blood drained to wait before we could touch them. through the metal tank to dump the animals dying on the floor in pools of blood, animals The fall came after another internal organs in vitro, the so-called the standards, the slaughter of animals die in this way is neither quick, humane slaughter method is insufficient.

veal calf was born 2 days has equitable been looted from his mom side, prop the nape, from this behavior will be firmly in detention, in mandate apt facilitate the growth of calf muscles, in array to attain critical diners taste of fresh veal claiming requirements, only a absence of steel fed liquid diet, did no think the calf above the recess, water and sunshine the elementary requirements, in the tragic life spent just four months afterward the slaughter of the Mavericks Jibei.

industrialized pig farms breeding sows is a machine, uninterrupted pregnancy, of course, That is because the pretended insemination of reason, a colossal pig farms,beijing escort, each of
factory conditions
pregnancy crates, wounds and abscesses, cannibalism, consume heap, deserving to space congestion, mental depression, dining each other their piglet tails, the solution is to put their tails chopped off, When cutting the tail, not the anesthetic.
scissors cut the ear is the ear
customary procedure, it is not on the anesthetic, the incisors are manipulated the same way.
for sterilization is not on the pain killers or anesthetic, sterilization is said to allow more than pig flesh.
flashlight is used to execute the death penalty, it is further mistrust.
electricity electrocution
chief punishment is another means of slaughter, as shown here, as.

pharynx cut is a cut throat is still the cheapest course of killing animals.
fade hair
boiling water pigs suffered a knife after being nailed in a bar, and then submerged into the hot pot faded hair, pig hung upside down a lot of hair when it faded, still alive, still struggling, but still still can be dipped into hot hair removal years.
Americans today expend chicken a day, equivalent to their 1930 anniversary expense of chicken, the world's largest chicken fetter, the week will slaughter 8.5 million chickens. go beak to beak

purpose is to prevent the chickens pecking feathers deep depression, and cannibalism, the chickens in a crowded, impossible to order any group at all, immediately go to the chicken beak speed can be described as fast, a fifteen minute cut chicken, this rate means that the temperature and the sharp blade can not retain a constant class, a straight result of cutting too rowdy, to cause serious harm chickens.
living conditions
As for living conditions, may be living in a sixty chickens may also owned a chip of ninety thousand chickens, these animals suffering, and this is their lives, although their chicken beak has been cleared, they are still trying to pecking each other, arranging hens are crowded field, the shriek the place in battery cages, in battery cages, cages for the sake of the wire friction, these chicken feathers fall out, so double pain, these chickens in a crowded, hens can not even begin about the wings, even the most trivial way to satisfy the instinct did not.

in transit transport, animals are suffering, many are die, thronged cages, stacked floors so that they strangle animals.

hung upside down style massacre slaughter method, MOOREFIELD, West Virginia. chicken slaughter methods are a good variety, some are beling killed, some beheaded and died , but most are in the pipeline through the disposal of industrial farms die, put them upside down on a carrier belt, the throat was cut until the bleeding to death, or head stuck in the pipe to stop their struggle, and then, slowly bleeding death. If the slaughterhouse is fraught with glass wall, then humanity may have been vegetarians, the question is, do not take the air slaughterhouse construction projects, is to play a security role, to avoid been seen, but who want to go think? up, cleverly located in the few miles, it had a tacit understanding between the.
Some people think that eating seafood to land animals than eating the dumping of human waste and pollutants into the sea. All along, the fuel industry, nuclear industry, chemical industry, etc., did not care the conservation of the marine environment, sea-bed became the handling of waste emissions should not be a handy place hair.
Business The present commercial fishing fishing
is led to the deterioration of the marine environment, they have football as a mammoth trawl increase, they are equipped with progressive electronic equipment to find and arrest fish, mammoth nets across the ocean , eating all the way, the drag of industrialization paired with the increasing awareness of seafood, the rapacity, the extinction at an alarming rate in the ocean of life. In fact, the world's seventeen major fishing grounds, there are thirteen or jeopardized have been exhaustion, the remaining four also face a crisis of overfishing.
recent eruption of ruddy tide ailment, is a thousand times stronger than cyanide but also microorganisms, parasitic microorganisms that pig excreta, when tens of thousands of cubic meters of untreated waste, dumped by humans from rivers, lakes and oceans, the Earth's ecosystems, water becomes the world that can not be bathed in the pits, it is startling, red tide threat to sea life, is also threatened over a billion human beings have been poisoned fish, which is southeast of the largest fish kill ever recorded, but also spread into.
from Long Island to Florida Bay, red tides have appeared, covering a thousand miles away, in fact, that the outbreak of red tide organisms, but also the worst in U.S. history, toxic and microorganisms. The red tide warning has been classified as Category III, IV Resident Evil Aibo La virus, AIDS is the second, the emergency is in fact the result of large-scale consumption of meat, especially meat, pig farms in the tens of millions of pigs, the input is a grain, is expelled from these contaminants, FLIYD tornado in North Carolina that, in 1999 the inflow of maritime toxic contamination, but also into our water supply system, and also one of the assorted types of pollution of the living animal, including its other species for food.
catch Finally, look at the whale
whaling, although in 1985 the International Whaling Commission banned commercial whaling for the directive, but there are still some countries continue to kill whales for their so-called fork, firearms, straight corner hook, or even explosives, or pedal them to allow whaling gulf, drive them to the beach, in superficial water, killing them with a knife.
annual dolphin
winter, from October to March the following year in Japan over the country, tens of thousands of dolphins were captured, and the slaughter barbaric manner, mediate with the sonar equipment is placed below the surface, to mediate with the dolphin sonar, to get lost, unfortunately, fall into the terrified dolphin hunting network, hunters often dolphins or stabbed or cut, because dolphins never abandon injured family members, mother and son were separated, the sad wail, the volume they drag handlebars up, and presently hacked to death without euthanasia was alive, these friendly and moderate and innocent lives, they had deserved better treatment of human beings, but this time, they are on the ground helpless, helpless struggling in the concrete floor , they are cut open the abdomen, and hurl where, slowly dying, due to pain and spasm distorted, while the children after school. This bloody massacre that: The Japanese government is no track of the Convention on the world's oceans respect, on the opposed, they are very inhumane way to catch bad, set the international conventions, statutes and practices in omission of international unions was originally to defend the ocean with these regulations will not be over-exploited., while protecting marine life, dolphin meat is sold markets and restaurants, glue a lie, shoes, belts, mittens, jeans, billfold and so on, our next question is, our raiment get busy?
third part; the demand for leather clothing
effectively from the United States, Germany and the UK , where everybody uses leather, but we never thought about little or, leather come from?
India oxen
In India, thousands of cattle were slaughtered every week to get the leather, these cattle from India's rural needy in the donation, but too promised not to kill these meager folk are, that only cattle farm in their lives.
Tiezhang and rope
cattle were transferred to those legally allowed to slaughter cattle districts is deterred because the slaughter of cattle in most parts of India, and to the tragic Siwangzhilv, animals must be fastened to the cruel,, string on the ropes, sometimes for several days to trek. They were forced in the hot sun and dust to walk, no food and water, plus fear, a lot of cattle down to the way, could no longer walk, you know, most of the cattle on the truck is the 1st time, they fear this could be very, especially people loading trucks when the behavior is exceedingly rude, it is strange for the animals, making them fearful, squeeze in the truck in a few days without food and water, they are unbearable thirst, for the cattle is concerned, they eat a day late. < br> tail
incapable to cope when the herd is about exhausted, they were artificially broken tailbone, has only one intention is to reserve them down., the human approach is to repeatedly pull the bull tail. < br> cattle were
cattle must let the cows kept walking, dragging Niu Bizi hard on the rope, desperately pulling cows neck, horns, and Port Shelter, which led, or, more precisely, is the re-use of violence forcing cattle to make them loyal and down the stepladder is not box motorcar, so that cattle cause scars, pelvis, ribs, legs, horns broken.

pepper and chili pepper, pepper and tobacco, are used to drive the cattle continue to wade these irritating things people directly rubbed into their eyes, to discourage them on the way down.
massacre before killing more than
scene, about half of the cattle, to approach had died before slaughter, in addition, let it all more pain and horror is to let the animals see their companions were slaughtered all the scenarios, although there are slaughter requirements for Lesch knife with a sharp knife, in fact, Animals usually are, blunt instrument, or cut or saw kill the.
Then, the animal skins were sent to tanneries, where people use highly toxic agents, such as chromium, to prevent corrode to memorize that leather is the skin of the body, because it is dead, and it certainly will decompose, unless an appeal to do powerful pharmaceutical treatment, continued demand for leather products has led to vast use of chemical agents in the tanneries, and these chemicals the shock of chemicals on human health, but also cause new problems.
the end, God of cattle from India was sent to get the leather clothing stores around the world, most important chain stores are selling the Indian leather productions, and these leather behind the cattle, and our use of cattle is entirely differ.
fur fur
fable is favor? 1 hundred million each year because their fur wild animals were slaughtered in the U.S. single there are as numerous as 25 million., these are hunting or trapping animals are raised to the following conditions in the fur plant.
cages obedient these wild animals are not surely used to being caged, alarm and frustration to make them into a crazy location, cages craze, they are moved to the restrict the heaviness of imprisonment, the free ride in ecology, wildlife, and their future generations can no longer return to nature, not even stride feet feel the foot of the earth. Instead, they had to scratch in an iron cage, drove round and circular continuously, which lives in the fur of animals on the farm suffered physical injuries, including broken bones, bone exposure, blindness, ear infections, dehydration and malnutrition, exposure to cold, lack of veterinary care and slow death. no regulations concerning the slaughter of fur method factory, so the cheapest way to become the most acceptable method, carbon monoxide poisoning, strychnine, choking, broken nape, anus views, are commonly used reach, wearing a cumbersome set of animals, dogs, cage, cervix shot, after a row of slaughtered animal carcasses, a fox, sable, raccoon, wolf, is a very anal impact cruel ways to send a wire inserted into the animal's rectum and jaws were stuffed animals, the metal conductor, usually, in order to kill the animals, the cruelty of the process will be repeated several times, and then chops the body was twisted animal skin broken, the cage for feeding animals alive. (fur farms in China) (Canada's stamp hunt) How many is this one? This is 49,500 greenbacks.
Part Four: Entertainment
way down and we say entertainment, Mark Twain once said: all life built by God, the most abominable human, human beings suffer knowing, but to the suffering of other life as entertainment, rodeo western United States, in the competition, the Bulls and the Mustang is not because they are, are not struggling to tame the wild animals vault, but because they feel pain in their body, a strap tightly coated around their genitals tightly reined in, also known as flank, or bandages Yamaha belt, when the animals quit the fence, export, just hard ample to make them tighten their belts because of extreme pain and skirmished to vault, and also in competitive harm to the animals in the way, there are many, such as broken their legs, Whip heavy whipping, being teased, being flashlight electric shocks, beatings and torment in different ways, wild out of the fence.

sets of sets of hunting and hunting, as you can see, including throwing a noose pitfall is running at full speed scared of the animals in the neck, the poor animals that can not exhale Le tether, and then bang on the ground will they Zhongshuai.

as other businesses, like nag racing, nag racing or dog racing is a commercial act and have the same motives, profit, mall event, the mart tournament in the citizen conference, held in the animal racing, gambling, and Ferris, for the completion of such activities, and exercised animals, only occasionally fed with water, no food, These animals are not familiar with their environmental, rumpus, noisy crowd, even if not by considering their movement, but also frequently ache and relinquished.
pigeons bowling
meaningless, valueless, weird the game is devised for money or distraction.
addition to habitat detriment, hunting is the greatest threat to wild animals, hunters killed more than 200 million a year the animals, deer, rabbits and squirrels , the highest in the forefront of hunting target menu, it is undeniable that, if hunting is a sport, then this is a bloody movement, the goal is a living animal, to let them be subjected to violence after the death.
fishing Fishing is also a fish
to non-human animals suffering necrosis, researchers have found that fish and mammals will have alike grief action, in terms of anatomy, or physiology or a biological standpoint, the pain of fish mechanism, in truth, birds and mammals, and exactly the same, in other words, the fish is a sentient, sensibility creatures, so they will certainly feel the anguish, or that death is a variety of fish, the extra temperate death, but please understand namely fish is a extremely developed sense of machinery, and their nervous system is quite intricate and their sensory cells and we peoples are quite alike, their nervous system is very intricate and their sensory cells and we humans are very similar .

when we watch the circus circus, the seldom stop to think about what motivates the animals to complete some, unnatural, and even extremely precarious, such as the skip bombard, one foot standing equilibrium, or from the shaking of the high platform into the water, animal trainers can reason why these animals do not, as the public to believe, animals are baited by food reward, to complete those actions, the animals were competent to complete performance because they fear punishment, the management of the circus deceive is the most fundamental mm penalties will have been normal wild animal, locked in small cages, can not have customary physical activity group activities, shuttling between the country and from the winter, life 95% of the time, the shackles were connected.
(trainer said ...

