
and the additional in the flask namely extremely dirty creek water

Dear students :
Water is the source of life is sweet babies tending the globe . Therefore, humans should do their best apt defend water resources and maintaining ecological balance .
a man before an experiment , the 2 Transparent bottles are put into the water, is different: a bottle fraught with explicit water , and the other in the bottle is extremely tainted river water ,shanghai massage, and then were placed on a fish and a shrimp Began , the two tiny guys are very excited. But 2 days after , came the eclipse of the contaminated river water shrimp there. shrimps swimming in the water languid ,shanghai massage, feverish and occasionally tin not control their own weight in general,shanghai escort, the In turn,Scandinavia, drift to the surface of the water body . In the p.m. , studying eventually left the WTO. From this experiment tin be seen in polluted water, fish , shrimp or a few days , so I am here to make some students to educate Recommendations :
1, amuse escape out of water afterward the students , the tap closed, do not let the pat there own tears .
2, do not throw waste into the creek alternatively flow and into water bottles .
3 Please recycle water , not a lot of consume water .
4, I likewise suggest that principals in the improvement of water in front of teachers and students invaluable .
5, do not query somebody to melodrama with water ,shanghai escort, it will waste a lot of water, And the water is , not playing .
6, to see someone wasting water , it should be discouraged on the work , but should not have joined the ranks of wasting water .
Here, I'm asking always students They entreat :

