
which controls the lacrimal nerve ashore neurotransmitter receptors

Introduction: Crying is a human instinct behavior, people will cry in sadness, who will cry when exceedingly cheerful, that is: tears of delight. But we rarely understand why people cry? In mandate to solve this odd phenomenon, amuse You see: Science Quest: Why do people cry?
nature is forever full of strange animal specifics and action, such as the elephant's long nostril, two hammerhead shark eyes far apart, and sandhill cranes strange and outrageous courtship dance. but these characteristics and behavior of animals and humans do not cry so special.
to cry, man may no feel everything special. we constantly cry, and nearly every day to watch others face the tears. 80s of last centenary, the University of Minnesota to more than 300 men and women as objects, carried out a learn. the results, women cry five times the monthly mean, men cry once each 4 weeks. After birth the 1st entity rupture into tears, to prompt everybody that: ambition sobs, moans and cries, merely not feelingful tears, even with our closest primate relatives namely too true. apes and additional animals, but also tears tube, but its function is to wash the eye Department of infiltration and eye care. As as peoples, maybe in some antique periods, the predecessors of the lacrimal gland and control the expression of deep emotion and feeling among brain districts, evolved neuronal connections.
as Like all genetic variation, resulting in variation of tears is a excluded. The problem is, we send any agreeable to cry in the end? this, the researchers have some prospect of a solution, they found that control of the physiological mechanisms of human tears, ample to wonder us.
There are numerous causes to cry . Simply put, this is a human instinct, will cry in ache or grief; complicated to mention that this is one perfected fashion of communication, it is closely linked to human, and other animals have no such capability . This contact helped our ancestors survive and persist to grow and develop, but also makes the most successful human beings on the planet, the maximum complex biological cognitive aptitude.
one tears away troubles
Why wept you would feel a lot easier? scientists found crying tears shed when the body can eliminate excess hormones, and it is these hormones so that we had trouble.
the basis causes of complex behavior is commonly very simple, crying is the case. Like other animals, mankind has just come to this world, will be accustom to express the sorrow cry. In 3 or 4 months after the birth, they had even now studied how to smile, do not know how to use body language, so often cry , and crying very noisy. When the baby is 1 year age full time soon, crying is not so frequent, and they began to use other ways to express their needs, such as hand gestures, published babbling cry or throw side spoon and edible (some babies are 3 to 6 months before they will not cry).
sad cry of animals, but not because of emotion and tears.
as the newborn grew up for each incentive has a alter cry Law: shrieking in pain because of solitude, discomfort, hardly everbbing mm hunger is before they talk, the most primitive manner of expression. Whatever the reason, these crying can be base in the animal prototype: including primates, including, many animals are still in use howling as the cardinal form of communication. This may explain why the EMG studies show that when we reduced when incapable to control the mentalis brawn on the nerve, so reserve the chin trembling, unable to quell or control jaws muscles nerves, choking us, and jaws the afterward stoop. The scientists also found that brain framework is not complete even deformed babies, they can still crying, indicating that as early as the early mutation, in dictate of the structure of language and conscious thought has at present arose, mankind has been proficient to cry.
adults afterward, the reason we cry more. people grow up, crying is inevitable to mixed emotional factors, and the information carried along crying, far more than physical discomfort or physical needs so easy. This change does not mean that the physiological mechanisms no longer go, but that cry has advanced features with the brain and more shrewd deeper emotional linkage, it is increasingly major role. for the people nigh, the tears is the signification of muscular and true feelings.
person's life is usually 3 shed tears,toronto asian escort, a tear for adore is one of them. The other two eyes have similar chemical combination, but their functions are different. The most basic wink tears every time when it fraught our eyes. The reflex tears will not accidentally poked in the eye, or pungent onions, that variety of pouring out of gas toward the eyes. However, there are emotional tears unique chemical composition, thinking of these components, we can comprehend its role. University of Minnesota biochemist William. H. Frey Ⅱ world found in emotional tears, the type of protein than reflex tears more than 20% to 25%, potassium content is 4 times the latter, and serum concentrations of manganese than in the high 30 times. The tears are also wealthy in hormones, such as adrenocorticotropic hormone (adrenocorticotropin, people under pressure to release a hormone) and prolactin (prolactin, which controls the lacrimal nerve on neurotransmitter receptors).
Frey believes that the complex chemical composition of tears and crying when the emotions. For example, in the brains of patients with chronic depression, the high concentration of manganese; nervousness, too much pressure will undue adrenal cortex hormones; while women high levels of prolactin in vivo may explain why they are crying than men, especially after adolescence.
Frey speculated that, because there is a colossal number of hormones, when we stand strong emotional shock, the body will use excess chemicals tears engage with Fred's point of view. mere tears, so you can clear the body of excess hormones, let us feel loosened after crying it? to get the accurate response is very difficult. our tear ducts thick enough, nor so lofty efficiency . Even the long, weeping tears of hormone laden outflow only very little. then should not there are other reasons, let us feel loosened after crying it?
Second, sedation
crying Each experience an emergency position, we always need to tranquility down, or cardiovascular will withstand the pressure deserving to chances. Fortunately, we will cry, for crying is the best direction to calm.
puzzling thing also than this. In nature, whichever system faces circling pressure, will aspire to retain the original balance. this state neither also peppery nor too cold (blonde girl's decree), nor too active neither too slow. If the environmental mar the balance of the state into an extreme, the system will strive to recover the balance behind to normal as soon as possible. whether it is a jungle,beijing escort, or a human a fish, will find their own context, which is the most prehistoric absences , may also unravel the reasons for crying.
some point in the evolutionary process, the cut ducts in some form the emotional center of the brain to establish a connection.
the autonomic nervous system controls involuntary activities (such as breathing and heartbeat) and apparatuses (such as kidney and brain) of the elementary functions. autonomic nervous system tin be divided into 2 subsystems, namely, the sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous systems. The two systems in the control of the character of crying in the polemical, but intriguing. sympathetic nervous system in the physical, psychological and emotional as we arrange to prepare to flee or fight while scared, the sympathetic nervous system sends a marking, allowing the body to resist the pressure kept above fighting, or turned to escape. And afterward namely, parasympathetic nervous system, the body will return to regular.
60s of last century, the researchers proposed, we cry because instead of seeing for trouble free, it is the sympathetic nervous system controls the cry. but there are many scientists outlook it with to the inverse, they consider people will unknowingly crying calm. scientists to do a lot of research, but always unable to conclude, as in the studio, to participate in trials is very difficult to generate real sad, let them cry even more difficult, Moreover, even sorrow and crying for their test. However, some scientists, such as Stanford University's James. J. Gross, such experiments have been done to try and make a guess: cry may make the people around us and upset, and eventually it would still have a calming achieve. There are some studies showing that whether the chief sympathetic nervous system nerve paralysis, the patient will cry more frequently; and has the important function of parasympathetic nerve is damaged, patients had significantly fewer crying. The findings suggest that we may not cry because of distress, but to obtain rid of trouble. In other words, our emotional cry restart switch.
If so,March 15, then at fewest in the physiology, the cry is the best example of Goldilocks law. After all, capable the fight or flight time, and the value of an emergency situation, we all need to calm down. Otherwise, this traction will burst or arterial such a tragic way to end a stroke. Our ancestors faced perils, to cry to calm their emotions not only practical, but very required, because otherwise they would have a thinking vascular accident, coronary thrombosis after another disappear from the globe the.
inventor Chip. Walter (Chip Walter)

