
twenty-eighth in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance

Republic of China Wild Plant Conservation Ordinance Chapter I General Provisions

first to protection, development and reasonable utilization of wild plant resources, conservation of biological variety, maintaining ecological equilibrium, and the enactment of this Ordinance.
Second in the People the protection of wild plants in the Republic, development and utilization activities, must comply with the Ordinance.
wild plants are protected under this Ordinance, refers to the aboriginal habitat of rare plants and natural growth of the natural growth of original habitat and has momentous economy or scientific and cultural merit and jeopardized, rare plants.
medical wild plants and urban gardens, nature reserves, scenic areas of protection of wild plants, when application of relevant laws and administrative regulations.
wild third countries resources by strengthening the protection, affirmative development, the conviction of rational use.
The state shall protect the law and the development and utilization of wild plant resources management units and the legitimate rights and interests of individuals.
state shall encourage and patronize scientific research of wild plants , in situ conservation and ex situ conservation of wild plants.
in the wild plant resource protection, technological research, training and promotional use of noteworthy achievements in teaching elements and individuals shall be rewarded by the People's Government.
the county level the people's governments at or on the relevant competent departments shall carry out publicity and education on conservation of wild plants, wild plants spread wisdom and improve the awareness of civil protection of wild plants.
Any thing or individual has the duty to protect the wild resources of seizure or destruction of wild plants, their growth environment, the right to report and prosecute acts.
of the State Council administrative department in charge of Forestry National Forest zone of ​​wild plants and rare wild trees outdoor jungles supervision and management. The State Council administrative department of agriculture shall be responsible for the supervision and management of other wild plants.
construction administration department of the State Council, responsible for urban gardens, scenic areas of supervision and management of wild plants. the State Environmental Protection Department is responsible for the coordination of the national wild and supervision of environmental protection. the State Council, other division of duties in accordance with the relevant departments responsible for the protection of wild plants.
local people's governments above the county level responsible for the management of the department of wild plants and their responsibilities,September 14 every annual namely the Pressure. In mandate apt reserve the globe neat and pleasing fa, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities under the provisions of local conditions.
The state shall protect the wild plants protection of wild plants and their growth environment. prohibiting the illegal acquisition of anybody units or individuals or the destruction of their environment for the growth of wild plants.
Article is divided into national key protected wild plants and wild plants local key protected wild plants.
national key protected wild plants into the national level to protect wild plants and wild plants in second class state protection. national key protected wild plants by the State Council administrative department of forestry, agricultural administrative departments (hereinafter referred to the State Council administrative department of wild plants) Commercial State environmental protection, construction and other relevant departments and submitted to the State Council agreed.
local key protected wild plants, is the national key protected wild plants by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the protection of wild plants. local key protected wild plants, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to amplify and publish the State Council for record.
Article XI in the national key protected wild category and local protection of the natural concentration of wild plant species delivery region, should be in accordance with relevant laws, administrative regulations, the establishment of ecology keeps; in other regions, local people's governments above the county level administrative department of wild plants and other departments concerned according to the actual location of the establishment of national key protected wild plants and local protection point or the establishment of the protection of wild plant protection signs.
prohibits the dispose of national key protected wild plants and local key protected wild plants protection point of protection facilities and protection of marks.
Article XII of the administrative department of wild plants and additional related department shall monitor, monitoring the surroundings for the growth of the national key protected wild plants and local protection, the growth of wild plants, and to take measures to nourish and improve the national key protected wild plants and local key protected wild plants growing conditions. the environmental impact of national key protected wild plants and local protection causes impair to the growth of wild plants, wild plants authority department shall, jointly with additional relevant departments to investigate and according to decree.
Article XIII construction projects on national key protected wild plants and local wildlife protection plant growth, environmental impacts, the construction unit to submit environmental impact assessment report must react; environmental protection departments approved the environmental impact report, shall solicit the views of the competent administrative department of wild plants.
X Wild four administrative departments and units cared by the menace of growing national key protected wild plants wild plants and local protection fathom should be taken to save, protect or restore their habitat, propagating pedestal ought be built when necessary, or take germplasm bank ex situ preservation fathom.
Chapter III Article XV Wild Wild management
administrative departments shall regularly carry out national key protected wild plants and wild plant resources of local protection investigation, to establish a resource file.
X the six national level to protect against acquisition of wild plants. for scientific research, training of workers, cultural and other special needs, protection of wild plants collected at the national level, must be approved by acquisition of the province, autonomous regions and municipalities to sign the administrative department of wild plants views, to the State Council administrative department of wild plants or its authorized agency for collecting cards.
second level state protection of wild plants collected, must be collected at shire class people's government signed the administrative department of wild plants views, to provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly beneath the administrative department of wild plants in the people's government or its authorized agency for collecting cards.
urban garden or collection of national-level scenic areas or secondary protection of wild plants, garden or city must premier obtain scenic area management agencies admitted to, respectively, in accordance with the provisions of the preceding 2 paragraphs apply for collection permits.
expensive collection of wild trees or forest areas, wild plants aboard the grassland, in accordance with Forest Law, Grassland Law of the provisions.
wild administrative department of plant collecting permits published after the disc shall be sent to the environmental protection department.
acquisition card format by the State Council administrative department of wild plants.
Article XVII of the National Protected Plants collection units and individuals certificate must be catered for collection type, quantity, location, period and usage of collection.
county administrative departments of the Government of wild plants in the administrative area of ​​the collection activities of the national key protected wild plants, shall discipline supervision and inspection, and report approved by the competent administrative department of wild plants collected or its authorized agencies.
XVIII Prohibition of sale, the acquisition of national-level protected wild plants.
sale and purchase of second class state protection of wild plants, must be approved by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the administrative department of wild plants in the people's government or its authorized approval.
Article XIX administrative department of wild plants should be operational by second class state protection supervision and inspection activities of wild plants.
s twenty export or import and export of national key protected wild plants in China to partake in the International Convention for the import and export of wild plants is restricted, must be approved by exporters and importers of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities review the administrative department of wild plants, wild plants of the State Council administrative department for approval, and has obtained import and export of endangered species issued by the administration of import and export permits or tags. The Customs shall import or export allow or tag for permit. the State Council administrative department of wild plants should be related to the import and export of wild plants Data copied to the State Environmental Protection Department.
or prohibit the export of unnamed and newly discovered wild plants have large value.
Article shall not be a diplomatic acquisition in China, or the acquisition of national key protected wild plants. < br> Foreigners in the territory of the national key protected wild plants in the field investigation, and must be local to the national key protected wild plants in the provinces, autonomous zones and municipalities to apply the administrative department of wild plants, after its review, the State Council of wild Plant administrative department or its licensed agencies for permission; instantly to the State Council administrative department of wild plants in the applying, the State Council administrative department of wild plants ahead allowing approval, shall consult the relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities outlooks of the capable administrative department of wild plants .
twenty-two key protected wild plants in local management practices,beijing massage, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to develop.
Chapter IV Legal Liability Article
three without a permit or not in accordance with the Acquisition Acquisition provisions permit state protection of wild plants collected by the administrative department of wild plants collected from wild plants and confiscated illegal income and impose a 10 times the illegal income shall be imposed; a collection permit, and may be revoked acquisition card. < br> Twenty-four violations of the provisions of this Ordinance, the sale, purchase citizen opener defended wild plants,shanghai massage, alternatively the managerial division as industry and commerce magisterial ministry of wild plants in accordance with the responsibilities of wild plants and illegal earnings confiscated and may concurrently be 10 periods the illegal income nice.
twenty 5 illegal import and export of wild plants,shanghai massage, the provisions of this Act shall be penalized.
twenty-six counterfeit, reselling, transmit acquisition card, import and export permits or approval documents associated to , labels, or by the competent administrative department of wild plants and commercial administrative departments in accordance with the division of duties collected, confiscate the illegal income and may impose a fine of 5 million less.
twenty-seventh alien in China acquisition, the acquisition of national key protected wild plants, or without approval of the national key protected wild plants in the field investigation, confiscated by the administrative department of wild plants collected, data acquisition and study of wild plants,beijing escort, may levy a fine of 5 million fewer.
twenty-eighth in violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, constitute a offense shall be investigated for guilty duty.
第二 nineteen administrative department of wild plants staff abuse of power, and if the deed constitutes a crime shall be prosecuted in criminal responsibility; not constitute a crime, shall be given administrative sanctions.
third ten confiscated in accordance with the regulations in kind, confiscated by the decision shall be made in consensus with the pertinent provisions of the State.
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions Article
thirty-one China has concluded or acceded to worldwide treaties relating to protection of wild plants and the assorted provisions of this Ordinance, the applicable provisions of international treaties; however, unless the provisions of the PRC declared reservations.
第三 twelve This Ordinance January 1, 1997 shall come into compel.

