
for my nerves huge bar

In seminary, others adore namely drawing approach, you understand me and my girlfriend do? Go apt night classes!!! In truth, I after educated namely the profound meaning of this My Courses namely political science, looking by those dogmatic theory, multinational narrations, one era in my youth blood, the body really saved the chap, entire thanks to the award of specialized courses! In truth, to keep the maiden of the body namely quite easy - you do a needy male aboard it. to maintain a virgin, it is formidable. with her parents, my parents confidence that Unspoken, I alarmed the earth in this loud, shuffling perform a excellent mission - - to ensure namely their wives no to be engaged in prospective! we Wawa Qin, that is, starting from 4 years antique, I had to command goodbye unattached. I grew the biggest difficulty is that numerous youth marital woman than the others. Even worse is that we The place is no, asset have spread faster than the postings, we are more location to dine pasta, large noon, the big an every side of a big bowl, and got noodles, pork stew vermicelli linen of what a cover, doused with vinegar, with garlic and dart 2 or wash a few onions, small groups crouching in the shade, drink and chat. Hey, Pharaoh children and the age home provides the Wawa Qin Leong a daughter. shamelessly wearing open crotch jeans from the front of them. Wawa Qin is not a joke, this extra than anything a lot of pulp for the marriage Kaopu. my grandmother said, I brain family by the Village, the old village of Ka in the west end, the two wed, drink Bai Yan brandy, firecrackers, hanging ruddy wear green, my daughter and the old Ka is solid thanks to the heavens and the world - It was reported that this is, my mother, sister beat your nose with the end of this head, I'll let you eat popsicle two - two!! fishing vain I have a week, the face of such temptations, I rattle rattle rattle, merry to finish the first knock, he was holding her sister went to buy popsicles. old girl two absence to emulate, and was I a push, then she is said to take this stuff quite strange memories of a child, I had forgotten this detail, yet she remembers quite apparently, and verify my sister had, really did so . She derived therefrom, do not feel wrong that my wife is a man then, I forever cry foul - when I understand what you are my wife, ah, I'm fearful you lick my popsicle. estimated that afterward cup event No 1 could have guessed. work to educate, the teachers are pro-drink brandy that we set, the normal preparation with us smiling, sitting, playing games, we ambition always be a pair, answer questions, she could not reply me increase that I do not singing her relay, thoroughly boring. the kid of a class on Feng Wan, playing with blocks, playing marbles, play preside, playing slide, I am maximum annoying thing is to melodrama to the ferocious urgency of fussy juncture, a digit of asset guys ran out of expiration over, out of breath to mention, not, not, not, no! somebody strikes you on my wife! school tease is based on annual to year, there were a few year's. old girl temper Leong stubborn, and feminine students Tiaopi Jin, bully who sabotage the side, the two sides after the premier argue hands, boys and girls are not generally fight opponents, furious, a few boys to take the rubber band to tie her in a tree. wrong like those martial craft film in the contrive, she was favor a village up the mountain thieves pillaged the same girl, desperately struggling on crying: aid ah! I then fraught the crotch sew, watery the mattress almost each daytime, in addition to coiling over the layer at home to sugar legs kicking, but almost no more outrageous behavior, and the trees did not cross it. Yes, because I was the youngest, is a boy, set thousands of pet in 1, whether I activity a martial arts film I play a bandits pillaged the rich son was likewise similar to the male lead to play hero to save the United States, then it is to my life. I bite the bullet and went, In the vibrate, is not the variety of wrist tone, that are generally on the Road, from me to touch everything that could obtain away, ran to the side to play, and I clumsily from the trees down her solution. She cried and burst into the schoolroom, ooo, ooo, leaving me entangled Hold the rubber band beneath the tree. But I was presently to forget unhappy folk, I am apologetic to lick his lip, the multitude of female students, said: ; Pooh, shameless, who play with you. champion, and immediately drop a empty-handed, reprehend the The explanation is that you are not married, you can not divorce. you only set the pro, so there is naught to do. I said that I ought get marital, so to be divorced, my mother said, no, must await until age 20 . This chat is general. I was so accompanied to a divorce, not Tuiqin, for I did not Tuiqin this conception, only understand a divorce. one daytime to Friends Dongsheng home to play, and determined to eat luncheon at their home, Results in the pantry, his dad and his mommy one instant upgrade from the bickering to the protest, from the eastern pinion hit the south end of the stall, Dong-sheng finally beaten his mommy cry, the noisy crack of creature deviate cry: his aging mother with You divorce! X your mother a callous! ... ... divorce! I'm natty ample to know the divorce is over the meaning of the couple separated. simply could not divorce, must await that long! 20 years old in my eyes too far and did not . I felt very uncomfortable, and a muse almost the hereafter, grief, in the future to give her ransom, how many marbles I lost a pencil treatise cigarette carton popsicle ah. sooner or later go bankrupt so long, so I thought martial arts. It is said that each The mini boy has a martial arts imagine, eager to keep appropriate, great genius, then you can getting rid of Robin Hood. What fell devils, fatal sword stick knife Deception blaze pistol, or to Iron Palm Mantis Hama Gong Bagua legs. We often get together to study martial arts, practicing capabilities of God, we still buffet bully, still bullied along others, but at least get a great psychological satisfaction. small partners to do from this dream, a more heroes (really himself), defeated the bandits bullies, have their silver distributed to the peasants, even as their celebration chairman, led a public Xiaoxia wherever they went ... I started the martial arts from the purpose with muscular farmerist: retention wife. I do not love her, I save her, it saved my marbles. you can even say that in my idea, the wife is a grain of truth marbles essential. I have is the label of saving the cover to emancipate his wife's toys. Since martial arts is too hard, that pants are constantly worn, and made my mother very angry, one anger in a super good quality fabrics, all my pants, knee and two on the base are set on the pier patches. Since then I have the street, others are laughing, that I was a little mendicant, but students indeed will not miss this good chance, because the clothe broke, and surnamed Wang, who called me . I'll be very outspoken, but I'm years. while I children in great classes, 5 years old. I know, me and my girlfriend and the female at the same table, are eager to get on the train period, to go quickly in 15 years. primary educate students, boys military demarcation line to be zoned girls not allowed to cross overstepped. Otherwise, fist serve. I 依葫芦画瓢, the table is very carefully with a knife carved a deep trench, and I kind of count, she can put down the other side of the place of ​​a sack. either because she is my if not more than fifty, even whereas I undid her from the tree, and no talk. at the same chart are also two or three years, and basically does not talk. generally I said haughtily, Do not have a line, I kick you! on the level and look more generally, a girl, Nongmeidayan the, dingy, bar two pigtail, favor with us, the summer, because the teachers hand in hand when asked to do the game, I feel her palm chilly, very watery, apparently hand sweating too much. I do not like it. In fact, I like the teacher's daughter, always the first, dress clean, even the red scarf they are all like that on the poster The city's children, diverse us, every day is like hanging a dead fish ran dry, did not forget to obliterate your proboscis because of the upon teachers will be mad, and then hammer. teacher pearly woman, the peel slight, small thin eyebrows, long eyelashes, eyelid, eyes like black grapes talking, but also speak standard Mandarin and often stand up and peruse audible the txt. I have two small prestige to be her associate had the same chart, so the game time, can stand up to drag her mini hand, I am very envious of it. fair me, always with her at the same table. I'm getting sick of her and even started to resent my mother gave me such a hurry to set a way I do not like the marriage. As the saying goes-year-old to penetrate a small, pro-set time has aged, and then you should look that she is simply a alteration of the hideous duckling ah not a swan, nevertheless I do not gnaw, the cilia, eyes of the lion jaws sloppy triangle , the first large body of small, seen from afar, like an exclamation brand, answer mark, like look at the past, but that does not mean she did not detect the right one. I will persevere, such as primary school, I was able to grief. the countryside teacher, are Xinhua capitalists, in fact, from any side, both of us were secretly protected the village people are conscious, as we do not know. Kongrongrangli is the primary lesson is not to eat red strap, or poultry is the same trap, kitten fishing, flowers, Dangqi sculls ... ... ideological purity to death. teachers meet among men and women comprised in the graph, but also build up the Speed ​​hastily passing, such as Xiao Ming and flowers that pure friendship, teachers accidentally avoided. village The people have to say a few words, Eve is an idiot. I calculate his wife is a noun, a man had to have such a woman, but some later, some earlier, like me, this is a morsel too early, but it is understandable. basic school graduation, between the students fill in a remark. I give my Department. I took her many female students as an ordinary member of.'ve never felt special. The opener is she looks too general, or instantly point that is thoroughly ugly, and filthy, knowledge is not the best, I simply do not like her ah. a baby, I must like a person, she have to be good results, but also class leader,beijing escort, I am the However, her lessons were not representative. how could I disburse attention to her ah. However, the kin has always sorted the two together, ate together, what metropolis, even going to the menagerie had to see her drag a few foolish not to licking an ice cream snowman one, head delay Koudai looked at the tiger trap, horrified the atmosphere could not exhale. Only then, I will willingly took her chilly hands, tightly holding her Dad laughed: You want to defend your how to say, defend the self-defense life, and it has opened a current sheet. with the times, I started to own active adolescence. junior high school manner leaving home to study. only have a secondary school in town, we test from the village, over a score line, you can go Township High School, to be For the same grade students from 10 to a village, the number is not small, only flowing, I did not, and she assigned a class. In fact, we were also early twenties, had not been away from home, but did not cost the night outside experience. The first day is very exciting, in the scent, odor or smell of urine, the traction of fresh ground to slumber, oblivious to the broken beds, dirty dwelling what it means. The afterward to die, too few counseling merchandise homesick and cried. sobbed voicelessly at the outset, and later silently sobbing, and later simply tearful, but speed up people join, then the scene is highly melancholy. I am also one of counsel goods, not just wail large call, just cry piercing. I have a sister, sibling, the late old home ranks, Grandpa pet, grandma love, domineering bully in the house, even King keep all my old sow third, he saw me make a detour, from small mother or sister is wearing my raiment, the Department of buttons, there are people who clean up tube. Now, what day is called off, ah, I could not even have a few clasps is not clear, line to line to go or the wrong line, however only pants two thighs, but why every time I wear it nigh backwards? Also, wash your face and feet using a towel, there is always dust and waste on my bunk ... ... In fact, beneath the affect of my mother, I am a love child clean. Now simply fall into the barn, and this compare is too big. and almost did not know the students, not basic, as they all know not to go to school. grew build up desolate, more tearful the more sorrowful. In fact, these are trivial matters in life, is still not so I am destroyed, I am most sad is the first day of school, I was at the same table because my current buffet! was beaten not must cry out of breath, was the most humiliating is: to play my new at the same table is a woman!! what has occurred is simple: the old rules, boys and girls at the same table, the first appointed military demarcation line. because the school just could not ascertain a conveniently tools, I paint the chalk line conveniently, my new table with a warning: Do not exceed this line, your asset, including your body, do not grant any part! I said, I am a kind person others left only to the same table as big as the position of the pencil carton, I give do not say everything, but shredded the pastel to take convenience of with a sleeve to draw the line I delete and re-draw a line, that line than any humiliating unequal treaties in China is more unequal - she only left me a big pencil box area! not prepared ah! villain, moving mouth and hands, so many slap her. Frightening scene staged in 3 seconds: my classmate, agile, two loud pops I footed slap in the face, then stood up and punt me one foot, then caught my cilia, desperately against the walls ... ... repressed until the teacher came. I was a woman beating! just a minute, which chance a hard fact. I do not did not fight behind, is simply not the antagonist, she taller than I am, physically many stronger arm than I am thick, fists than I am. than the infancy bully who beat me, suspect she did not single out certain issues, gang fights if she could felling Sa cycle war. In do not know what to do, I can only select cried. As a result, the town of navel schools Zhao Wang, 4 classes of students were women at the same table playing fast scatter of the things to cry over I had booked a Wawa Qin Chuan faster entity. In junior tall school on the second night, I burst into tears of humiliation with the thought of my from which they may no longer scared of me, then do not hear to me, and not look down on me this worthless wretch, and grief welling up, burst into diabetes insipidus, and almost fainted cry. in the new school after less than two weeks I became renowned diagrams, like the primary school is apparent I am a Timid perceptive to cheap self-esteem. I almost flee the rules of survival by alive in this college. a term of time, I almost do not do anything another individually from studying. this duration, only one object that I memorize. One day, she comes . my approach, but never thought someone would take the initiative to quest them. are you act? nothing ... nothing you come to me? see you in this class how. competent to how to to that. I heard you play at the same table you ... my face suddenly flushed, squeezed the boy's self-respect that has long been wronged sad and vexed in the meantime my heart. she is truly touch the tender the tender smudge, actually there is such a nauseating person, someone a beating, She also gloat, came deliberately ashamed me! go! I fiercely scolded her, pulled her hand down to the ground and turned behind to the schoolroom. I do not absence to talk to her in this life! I secretly vowed to myself. no lasting rule is not always the rule. only stop the fight. junior lofty school history teacher of my infancy, teens, teens, in fact, the entire, are merry. junior first grade, my memories of the dark year . It is my estimate of growth from childhood to juvenile history, struggling to bring an end to ..., to be more utmost than others, some, but lots of other good - the end of the day I take a beating. I liked history, like historical figures such as the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, over, we look inward to a happy summer recess ahead, full of long grass. Even the door of courses I first (not me, so it is nothing I do in addition to learning) learning prototype are sit still, to think fast point of a holiday. on the prelude of this relatively jolly, I rarely presumptuous for a meantime but finished the teacher afterward school, class, and students learn, My girls at the same table and beat me up. teacher in his bureau to wash my face, wiped my face neb, good air and funny: lost no shame ah, you see you foolish child, compassion ... for the front of the blame, I heard tired, but the last sentence makes me surprised a moment, I looked up and saw that archive in addition to the mirror and unkempt hair that cry In addition, a lot of tall stature. Yeah, I grew up, why should we be scared of women? once again resorting to violence incident, I ... ... Well, hit the woman is not able, the details do not say a word to win full triumphs. Since then, I stand a potentate, overshoot the woman and had played most of the guys, and even high school boys. used to be bullied because I really do not deserve, no one detect me a fight, now is the children of the same village underwent a bully will query me for aid. my first serve out of control in the struggle via the second grade junior high school, came to the fate of the first intersection, 3 days. my kin banquet when I know - the junior high school years, I only met her a face. I did must understand, when she came to me, is concerned about me, see I was not after a woman licks need comfort, not to humiliate me. in going to distinct metropolis to hear her reading the news, I actually had a bit disinclined. intentionally or unintentionally,toronto escorts, she and I left the chamber. two adults or an pardon to go out shopping, or sitting in the courtyard, my cousin was given to the grandmother too hard pulling away. Why should we peruse nursing school? because the teacher said I can be agreed. This is the truth. At that time, secondary school than much higher score in high school, for rustic parents, secondary school and then for three years method the school, the children can have a job, acquire a compensation. For children, the do not concern,shanghai massage, because they do not know the fate of the future should be in their own hands. your kin know? do not know. respond is to me, I know what she was asked. because I frequently got into fights, grades fell, from the school first, fall to get in the top 100 label. I have finished. the . my mother mean, let me also on a nursing school, with her. I mean, I a man, a nurse in the future, more sick ah. My dad agreed with my point of outlook, he is a **, the most can not stand is the sissy. In fact, I say nursing school, even the most broken test into high school. This fact can not be hid the fact that, in all probity, I was beat alive for three days, is hanging up with belt pumping that. When I was 14 years old. because the fight too much, not only begin with ferocious, even the anti-fighting capabilities have been greatly amended. and three years antecedent, crying in the apartment half the man that counsel merchandise. I do changes and see my mother happy and sad. I only wear pants, Guangzhuobangzi, was my father hanging in the avenue directly to the gate, tied him with the reins tied to animals and then hanging up, pumping with a belt. My dad had ** Article cowhide belt of water, smudged water, playing lavish and loud pops, and look to a bloodstain. playing tired, he went out, stopping to play mahjong, and then come back to play. night, eating and sleeping to put me down the next day and then hung up to play. when I became a great spectacle in our village. Sangu Liushen the tube in a circle. yo, this is doing here. do not go to school, the first hybrid from the last one. ah That should do it. . call when additional pain anguish, I can scarcely, on the front of my father yells: I X your mother, kind of put me down singled out! X, your mother, you cigarette die I forget! Wang XX (my dad's name), you head! though their fathers, But at the time was playing in big difficulty. my mom was cool to say, father of the infant, ah, we can not be such a fight, too much movement , the old Ka know if the Tuiqin distress. My dad now accepted this proposal, I finally was free. night,toronto escorts, I prevaricate on the mat, and the ache buzz, back to the wound started to fester, my grandmother Dad called me meantime Shanshan Zi side: their students are death-defying fight, that is to play prisoners ah (My dad is * the reason why my father and my mother hit me to your life, in addition to disappointment and woe, there is also a key cause - The wife can not be sprint first, the second can not let others give . Rural people are really uncomplicated, but simple not mean stupid. in sexual matters, they are more sophisticated than even the metropolis. rural year are not even the TV, turn off the lights except one black and one can not find something else to do XXOO. So I said, I in basic pure and inexperienced to actually be able to spend a miracle. for a miracle. Anyway, solution is for parents to discuss their affair, I do not Guannameduo. the test for me, is just the beginning of variant long summer vacation only. my partners that small creek in the village side playing in the water, arrest fish, is very happy. I was 8 years old study to swim, from the tricky to the upon embark, each year drench in the river, to light a Ding, Ding to go bare. has been to 14 years. my secondary sexual specifics arise very late, until this summer. One day after the usual washing slapstick, wear pants to go home and feel something touch on Egg raw so. to find a place where no one Tuolekuzai a look, surprise, only See similar hair on the balls of fleece, but still long fhardly ever long, I have not placarded. secretly went to Dong-sheng said he was not surprised: we start from the first two days, go to the river were wearing pants to you SB, always nude. finished, Dong-sheng one off the pants, a jungle. I think the year was JJ felt when the first hint of sadness when young: we finally grow up, no longer as happy as the children play the. In the past is always eager to grow up, grow up also means giving up the incipient. I did this time suddenly found that marbles are not amused in those early, and obsessive e fighting game, play pond, learn to cigarette, stealing drinking, riding a coaster, gang war. I have not been to the river. hastily went to a high school reading. I resolved to take an adult standards themselves. At the same time, I was the wife went to nursing school in another city, she began to write to me. This estimate is the apply of her mother. my mother's apply is I have to go to my newspaper counterfeit Nike shoes, a flower pants, a dark vest, the back roads there are injuries (that was my dad smoked), a green militia sack ramp collapsed, the above 5 words written in red service . probably means that she and her classmates to fetch water, Lu-yu hoodlum, to be together, ; wife, is SB, I am also a SB, the two sides are almost no verbal communication, tile directly on the fly, punches thrown. me how playing a few, has endured a tile, the blood ... ... once another destroy the DC B a. I feel it, a hero to save the United States who are Guiche, this job I grew up never dry succeeded. In addition to bribery and beaten, I did not think of a better access. Anyway, little rascal, or go . thermos flask is also broken, my head is also open pans, and dressing in their school's infirmary, she was held captive in the next finger, crying dripping wet. My head was coated into dumplings the same, and halo whistling, also snappily. tell her, do not cry, I'm starving. we went to canteen to eat. at the dinner, she rushed without flashing those big eyes of God I eat, I devoured. a village Regardless of Asan and an Indian dinner. This is what my parents wanted to end? I did not even want to come, so many excuses, prologue more than two months,have fun, I first see her. with my mother, then, is like dung beetles pile, I got to the new school, just a bunch of The. billiards snooker are also replaced, and video parlors are a new guise, five people can package a small room, to see what see what, I love playing with them. It is not that I do not see ; wife games to play and handheld game consoles do, so many good songs and a small tape recorder called the Walkman micro, so many tapes (discs are less then), so many movies, so many girls ... .... I In addition to a bit rash, but anything is normal. Qingdouchukai is not a sign of puberty, is not love first and foremost to open sinus, but the location sinus burst open, and I fell in love with electro-optical flint-like in front of the right side of the table with the left side of the same table in front of her - - basic school teacher her daughter more than white, more black eye, more lovely, more pretty, learning is also good, wear nice clothes ... ... I was preoccupied has changed, even now she capable well, will like her. more Importantly, she has been to city people.'ve been approximately the city that the disposition of people, we do not have. has never said that I am rustic, because my nerves big bar, never seen nothing that surprised up to O soon, as suddenly fulfilled shape. it does not mean I and others in the same starting line. I think to find a girlfriend that is how the city something of proud, ah. In approximation, my ; not ordinary soil. Her hands are long calluses because farm go, and dress pants what are the home to do, nevertheless the dress clean, but I felt too earth, and very disgraceful. Now she, like me 15 years old. The only change seems to be combined into a two braids in a pony tail trailing after, hiking a flash of a flash. and my favorite female percentage, is really a country girl, a princess. I can stick in class The only motivation the classroom is my princess, I looked at back of her head, looked at her roseate nape, fancy can gently kiss or a touch. Every time she looked back and the students joking, accidentally and I look touch the hearts of a swing I felt the entire body grow numb. really the same as electric shock. I was once anew to what will spend money, and she said she could not bear flowers, the general alive expenses are Huabu Wan. Every time I ran, and went to nursing school to find writing a love letter, just like the students back to the dormitory said. One of the students hurrahed, by! I wrote her, ah. mirth one, the original TM antagonistic to lying on my upper. we either coincided, who grab worker who , and not allowed to turn. So, I am even more money, often to the medicinal school scamper, with my is so shameless, that never felt what was erroneous to do so. That winter, a small city in the tall canteen, the princess and the showdown we were, in fact, you both came good, only But she is laborious to select, we can not choose, because she's a junior high school students and she finally confirmed the relationship. then I am so sad ah. Dakoutaikou drinking white wine, like to do pain. and spread it with the sad man. Large midnight ...

